- We have offically been in Oklahoma for one week! I can say that I absoultly LOVE it here. I love the location where we live, I love the people, I LOVE Brayden's school. I just LOVE LOVE LOVE it!
- Thank you for praying for my friends son. He came through surgery very well. They ended up draining 8ml of fluid off of his cyst.
- Some sad news...we got a txt from Grandpa (Todd's dad) yesterday and he told us that Issac (one of their Golden Retrivers) passed away suddenly. They were on a walk and Issac acted like he didn't want to go any further which is not normal for him, they got home went to the vet and got blood work done. They got home he went outside then once in they went to check him about 30 minutes later and he had passed. They are thinking it was a stroke. He was a gentle giant that was so beautiful. On his mane he had some curl it was the medium blonde color. He was so gentle and protective of our kids when we would go over there. He was 9.5 years old.
- We are almost totally unpacked. The only thing we really have left to do is to hang up our pictures. In our TX house I didn't want to bother hanging anything, here I want to hang stuff and make it feel more like home. I am going to have Todd finish hanging up the wall decor. One of my items I have an old farm window pane I think there are six panes that I had my friend Jodi she scuffed it and painted it black. I am going to get some pictures printed and get that hung finally! I've got the perfect spot for it.
- This weekend the plans are to go find a pumpkin patch, decorate for Fall/Halloween, and we plan on hitting up the Tulsa State Fair.
- For my Indiana friends I think we are coming (the kids and I) in two weekends! :) You better pencil me in because it has been almost five months since I have seen y'all and you bet we are haning out! :) See that LB!!!
- I made a Halloween funfetti cake tonight, I was going to save it for something for Brayd and I to do this weekend together but he really wanted it tonight. I caved, he has had a fantastic two days at school and I can't say no to his baby blues. I did get some pretty good kisses for making it. I posted pictures on instagram if you don't follow me you should! :) @linsw00
- You better come back on Monday I am hosting my first ever giveaway! There are some really awesome prizes in the giveaway!
- I am excited that I am past the 50 followers. That makes me really excited and happy that people are interested in my ramblings on my little piece of the internet. I love all the comments I get too! :)
- I hope you all have a great weekend. Sorry for the bullets but I had a bit of rambling to do for today! :)

Woo hoo for being unpacked! I never feel settled until that is done! Can't wait to see pics of the pictures!
YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! I CANNOT WAIT to see you!!!!!! It's been too damn long chicky!!!!! :)