Thursday, November 10, 2011

Keeping it real

This past weekend the hubs decided to try to become a little country and go on a weekend hunt with his dad. This is a yearly hunt with his dad's old Navy buddies. So of course when I found out the hubs was going away for the weekend what is a girl to do? Call her bff of course!

The bff (LB)

So since our town is so huge with the whole three stoplights we decided to go to the town grill and eat. I had never eaten there so it was an adventure for sure! LB ordered a glass of wine. I am not a wine drinker at all. When I do drink its beer. I keep it simple. So I tried her wine and LOVED it!

Oliver Soft Red

Once having this wonderful drink I told the hubs about it once he finally got home. So when I went to the grocery I did what any respectable girl would do. I got two bottles of course.

 Keeping it classy on a Tuesday

So this has been my keeping it real for the week. What have you guys done to keep it real?


  1. HAHAHA! aaaaah, I'll never forget my first multi-bottle wine purchase... for a solo couch/tv journey of course! I keep it real by not denying myself a ridiculous amount of tv time. I love me some prime-time cable!

  2. Love it Ashely Marie! You are the first to comment. Totally made my day! LOL Hopefully I get more to comment and more to follow! Keep it real! :)

  3. I'm all about sharing the love! I'm a new blogger too and trying to meet more internet peeps. I would totally 'follow' you but the link isn't working...

  4. oh! and my blog is! I'll be hosting a giveaway every week til Christmas starting next week. :)

  5. Ashely Marie I totally found you and left you a message! Hopefully my "follow" button is work now!


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